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In third grade, I remember struggling with my multiplication tables and couldn’t remember that three times nine was 27.

Miss Van Tassel and Miss McKillip, both blessed with hearty laughter, teamed up to help me never to forget that three times nine was 27.

It became our comic routine. In the hallway, at lunch or in therapy at Washington Orthopedic School, I would suddenly be quizzed by the staff people, “Jim, what are three times nine?” I would proudly answer, “27,” and everyone would laugh, including myself.

I was learning how to NOT take myself too seriously – to laugh with others about my unique quirks, shortcomings and capabilities.

Learning how to fall back on humor at the right time and in the right way has served me well during not-so-easy times.

* When did you develop a skill that now continues to make your life enjoyable?

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