Jim that was a perfect story. I’m always in awe of your writing and I’m so proud to be counted as one of your friends. (I AM, aren’t I?😊).

No matter - I just enjoy your writing.

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Thanks, Mary, for the affirmation. I needed that right now

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“Oh, you should join our church,” remarked the man I just met on a bus cruising through the University of Wisconsin - Madison campus. “They would so enjoy you – and love you so much.”

Why would they enjoy me – or even love me so much? Because I was a 20-year-old student? Because I walked with crutches? Because I had cerebral palsy? Because I was working toward a degree in journalism? Because I was so “different”? Or because I was like everyone else, a soul to be saved?

That was about all the gregarious man knew about me after I responded to his series of brief questions after boarding the bus.

I grew up in an evangelical (conservative, passive and non-political) church which did not take “evangelism” seriously. So this was my first taste of what being an “evangelical” in 1963 really meant. But it was in no way a hint of how “evangelical” would evolve over the next 60 years.

* When have you sidestepped pretense to enjoy the authenticity of others?

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Oh, I sure have had a few of these “wrong name” encounters. The worst is when it’s someone you already know but can’t pull the name up immediately. These are problems in retrieval, not memory, but embarrassing, nonetheless.

The opening sentence. “Marvin adjusted his tie, a polka-dotted monstrosity Sylvia had gifted him for their 50th anniversary” puts me in mind of a poem by Patrick Carrington,

“Today She Bought the Hideous Tie They Will Bury Me In.” Too long to put here but easy to find on the web. Funny and thoughtful little piece.

BTW: I really liked “Marvin trailed behind, feeling like a damp puppy at a dog show.” Great image describing a pathetic situation.

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Yes, I like that image , too. I'll take credit for the "damp," which I added. But "puppy at a dog show" came from AI. That's reality in 2025, when an author can set the topic, tone, structure and style of a story. AI then writes the story, which is then ready for author editing. AI is a time saver but can also be creative by recalling images and situations from the Internet etc.

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